From Verona: through Motorway A22, direction Trento, you have to go out of the Motorway at exit Trento sud, and take the way toward Comano Terme - Tione.
From Brennero: through Motorway A22 direction Trento, you have to go out of the Motorway at exit Trento nord, and take the way toward Comano Terme - Tione.
From Milano: you have to go out of Motorway at exit Brescia East, follow the direction of Storo, and then take the way to Pinzolo, Madonna di Campiglio.
Cereria G.Giovanelli S.r.l.
Via Baita n°22 - 38079 Tione di Trento
Telefono: 0465321108
P.iva e C.f. 01812430229 - REA: 179441 - Cap. soc. 50.000 Euro i.v. | privacy | cookies